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Warlocks are high rank Cultists with expertise in the field of magic. They are part of the same sect as Nithriel, which shows clearly in their attire and abilities. Warlocks usually focus their studies on Spirit magic and dark arts, offering their very souls in exchange for power. Killing Warlocks causes them to disintegrate and funnel their soul into their magic spellbook that grants them power. Despite their mastery of Self Magic, they do not neglect the Elemental schools either, being able to fly, shoot toxic bolts or breathe underwater indefinitely.


Warlocks have a spirit missile ranged attack dealing magic damage, a toxic bolt ranged attack dealing toxic damage and a 3-shot toxic bolt burst.

Warlocks are resistant to magic, fire, nature, electric, ice and toxic damage, vulnerable to mind damage and slightly vulnerable to the Fragfire Gun's primary fire.

Warlocks can stay underwater indefinitely.

Warlocks do infight but are never targeted back by other monsters after accidentally hitting them.


Using an Amulet of Shadows prevents the Warlock's missiles from homing into the player.

Because of their inadequate protection, Warlocks are prime soft targets for the Fragfire Gun's primary fire at close ranges.

The Crylance's primary fire and Crushbow's alt fire are great when engaging Warlocks at long ranges.

Although Warlocks are immune to time freeze, their projectiles aren't, which may work against an unaware player, as it allows them to stack missiles up and unleash hell once time resumes flow.

While submerged, Warlocks only cast spirit missiles (at a reduced fire rate and projectile speed).

The Spike Gun and Crushbow's alt fire are the most viable weapons to kill submerged Warlocks. The Crylance can be used too but beware the damaging electric discharge. On the Bearzerk difficulty, using the Shield to reflect missiles back is the safest way to deal with them.
